Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Sup y'all. I'm sick. Tonight's dinner consisted of V8 Butternut Squash Soup from a box with crispy sage leaves, and Colleen Patrick-Goudreau's Herbed Scalloped Potatoes. I was really skeptical about the whole non-creamy scalloped potatoes thing, but hot DAMN these jawns were bangin'. Martin and I ate them straight from the pan; we couldn't wait for our leftovers and soup to finish heating up in the microwave before we dug in. Soooo so so good, and it was exactly what I needed on this coughy, phlegmy evening.

When I was at the grocery store buying a completely senseless number of oranges, I picked up this stuff:

(Excuse my general state of dishevel.) So, chamomile usually makes my mouth go completely numb, which apparently isn't all that abnormal. Hopefully this will do something positive for the annoying cough I've got going right now. And hopefully the oranges will have me in decent enough shape to hit the gym tomorrow; I slept 10 hours last night, took a three-hour nap this afternoon, putzed around the house this evening, and now I'm basically going to flush out whatever's sick-ing me with vitamin C. Germs be damned.

Oh, right, also-- my CSA share this week was kind of a let down compared to last week. My share-mates and I split a pretty small head of bok choy, some cute radishes, a bunch of dandelion greens, more rhubarb (what the hell am I going to do with rhubarb?!), two heads of lettuce, mustard greens, red scallions, I took a package of cremini mushrooms and my share-mates took the shiitakes, and a bunch of white scallions. We were supposed to receive a bunch of spring garlic as well, but somehow it didn't end up in our share. Huge bummer! I'm excited to do something with the dandelion greens. I've wanted to cook with/eat them for a while now but I've never found them in a supermarket and definitely wouldn't eat the ones on the side of the road.

ONE MORE THING- One of the houses on my block has an enormous amount of mint growing in their little front dirt plot (it's probably 6'x4'-- not enough to call a yard). I'm totally going to snag some later this week and stick it in a pot. Woo!

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